Who is the recommend consumer of FentAlert?
Is Fent Alert a 1-time use product?
What is the shelf life of FentAlert?
How does cold affect FentAlert? How does heat affect FentAlert?
What are the recommended storage conditions?
How is FentAlert used to test a sample and how long do I need to make contact with the suspected powder/pill?
Is the liquid activation agent toxic?
What can make an invalid reading and how often can that happen? How common are false positives?
Will the visible indicators degrade over time (if part of evidence kit)? Can they be looked back upon?
Are there any known limitations?
What is the recommended disposal guidance?
Does FentAlert act as a collection device (that can be sent to a lab for certified analysis) in addition to a detection device?
How is FentAlert packaged?
Is bulk pricing an option?
What is the minimum quantity that FentAlert is sold in?
Where can I order FentAlert?